The Biggest General Advice: The NCERT textbooks are very, very important. There is a tendency to ignore these textbooks, but please take them seriously. They have been written by people in the highest echelons of Indian science and not random tuition-wallahs. Please read the text and do all exercises. They should be your primary books, for all the subjects.
The Blacklist of Publishers: If you are reading a book by any one of these publishers, you are probably not on the right track: Dinesh, Pradeep, Krishna, Modern's, Arihant, Gupta and Gupta. These books are literally trash and should not be read by anyone.
- University Physics by Freedman and Young, 11th edition or newer
- Concepts in Physics by H.C Verma (Two volumes. Do only problems. Do not read the text)
- Schaum's 3000 Solved problems is Physics by Alvin Halpern
- Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov
- Mechanics by Kleppner and Kolenkow
- Electromagnetism by D.J. Griffiths
- Heat and Thermodynamics by Zemansky and Dittman
- 200 Solved problems in Physics by W.G. Rees, Cambridge University Press
- Chemical Principles: a quest for Insight by Peter Atkins
- Organic Chemistry by Solomons and Frhyle
- Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee (This is a mammoth book. Do only things that are in syllabus)
- Qualitative Inorganic Analysis by Vogel (Again, you need to pick what is in the syllabus.)
- Higher Algebra by Hall and Knight
- Trigonometry by S.L Loney
- Coordinate Geometry by S.L. Loney
- Calculus by Thomas and Finney
- Problems in Calculus of One Variable by I.A. Maron
- A Course in Mathematics for IIT-JEE by Tata Mc-Graw Hill. Older editions that contain subjective type questions preferred.