Sunday, May 31, 2009

Reference Material for IIT-JEE

Disclaimer: This post contains information that I think will be useful for candidates preparing for the IIT-JEE exam. Since everyone has a different taste and what type of books they like, I am not responsible if these books do not work for you.

The Biggest General Advice: The NCERT textbooks are very, very important. There is a tendency to ignore these textbooks, but please take them seriously. They have been written by people in the highest echelons of Indian science and not random tuition-wallahs. Please read the text and do all exercises. They should be your primary books, for all the subjects.

The Blacklist of Publishers: If you are reading a book by any one of these publishers, you are probably not on the right track: Dinesh, Pradeep, Krishna, Modern's, Arihant, Gupta and Gupta. These books are literally trash and should not be read by anyone.

  1. University Physics by Freedman and Young, 11th edition or newer
  2. Concepts in Physics by H.C Verma (Two volumes. Do only problems. Do not read the text)
  3. Schaum's 3000 Solved problems is Physics by Alvin Halpern
  4. Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov
Video Lectures (MIT freshman physics classes):
For Advanced Students:
  1. Mechanics by Kleppner and Kolenkow
  2. Electromagnetism by D.J. Griffiths
  3. Heat and Thermodynamics by Zemansky and Dittman
  4. 200 Solved problems in Physics by W.G. Rees, Cambridge University Press

  1. Chemical Principles: a quest for Insight by Peter Atkins
  2. Organic Chemistry by Solomons and Frhyle
  3. Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee (This is a mammoth book. Do only things that are in syllabus)
  4. Qualitative Inorganic Analysis by Vogel (Again, you need to pick what is in the syllabus.)
Video Lectures (MIT Freshman Chemistry):

  1. Higher Algebra by Hall and Knight
  2. Trigonometry by S.L Loney
  3. Coordinate Geometry by S.L. Loney
  4. Calculus by Thomas and Finney
  5. Problems in Calculus of One Variable by I.A. Maron
  6. A Course in Mathematics for IIT-JEE by Tata Mc-Graw Hill. Older editions that contain subjective type questions preferred.
MIT Freshman course on Single Variable Calculus: